New Song: Time To Say Yes

Why did I write this song?

It was Fall 2017 when I wrote this song. I guess I felt like I had wasted a lot of time in the summer doing unimportant things. I sensed God was knocking on the door of my heart, inviting Himself in. God wants us always to put Him first on the throne of our hearts. There is a God-shaped hole in our hearts that only He can fill. But so often, we try to put other things in there to fill the void. For me, it was distractions and entertainment. Watching too many shows on Netflix. Not spending enough time just sitting at the feet of Jesus, loving Him…listening to Him…I was getting restless and agitated, anxious and depressed.

I had a nagging feeling that I was made for more than how I was living, so one day I sat down at my piano and started writing this song.

What is this song about?

This song is a call to wake up and say “yes” to the call of God in our lives, and to live life to the fullest as we follow Him in obedience! It’s a revival song. Revival starts in our own personal relationships with God! It’s a song about chasing after God will all our hearts and all our strength.

…let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. …(Hebrews 12: 1-2)

My word for you…

Today is the day. God is calling you…do you hear His voice? He is calling you by your name, inviting you to the most exciting adventure and full life beyond your imagination. I’m not trying to sell something…I’m telling you the truth about what God has for you. His invitation is not one that you deserve…no one can stand in God’s holy presence by their own merit or good works. Each and every one of us comes up short. The only way any of us can enter into God’s presence is by being clothed in white robes of righteousness. These white robes are put on us when we believe in Jesus, and when we surrender to Him and invite Him to live in us.

God is calling all of His children to throw off the burdens you carry, the distractions and entertainment that cling to you like heavy weights. (Don’t get me wrong…I am not saying that having entertainment in our lives is sin. In fact, I think it’s important to have a balance of entertainment and work. But if it becomes an addiction, or you’re spending more time on entertainment than in God’s word or in His presence, that’s a different story.)

What have you been focusing on lately? Have you been fearful? Have you been lacking faith? Have you been lacking love? Run to Jesus – call out to Him, and He will replace your fears with love and peace; your lack of faith with child-like trust; and your cold heart with the warmth of love.

God is a God of compassion. Today, if you hear His voice, it’s time to say YES to Him! Just say YES. He is not asking you to carry heavy burdens of “doing good” or “being perfect”.

Jesus said, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:30).

He is calling you to say YES to Him to do whatever HE needs to do in your life to put an end to those things that lead to unfulfillment, sin, and death, and to create a new person in you. God Himself does the work in you. You only need to say yes and surrender to Him. When you surrender, He will test you to see if you are going to truly follow Him…whatever it takes. God doesn’t want His children to just follow Him for what we can get…He wants us to fall in LOVE with Him. The amazing blessing is that living in obedience and trusting Him is exactly the place where full LIFE is. Full peace, full joy, full love and fulfillment. Oh, He is so worth it! Every “sacrifice” He asks of us is not only for our good, but it is for His Kingdom!

If you haven’t already, please take some time to listen to this song and let the words become your own!

Today, Lord, I say YES to You!!